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I Am Carina And I Speak For The Books!

I am Carina, and I speak for the books! I read books because I love to and I write reviews because I need to place my thoughts in "paper". My reviews are honest. Usually not mean, but I can't make promises. Even when I don't like a book, I try to be as nice as possible. And when I love a book, I'm not going to lie, there might be some Fan Girling and Gushing.

Currently reading

This Same Earth (Volume 2)
Elizabeth Hunter
Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead ***Original Read, October 13th-15th***I'm afraid anyting I write wont live up to say how good this book is, but I do want to say that it made me tear at the last chapters. And eventhough I should have read this series a LONG time ago, Im kinda glad I didn't cause now after I read books 4&5, I wont have to wait that long for the final book.I would recomend this book to everyone who loves paranormal, love, action, fiction.
Frostbite - Richelle Mead Moving right along on my reread of this series!Originally read October 12th to 13th, 2010.What else could I have expected from the sequel to Vampire Academy but an amazing book?I was so afraid that, like in many book series, Fostbite wouldnt live up to its predecesor. Well Im more than happy to say that if I had more stars to give I certainly would.Frostbite is packed with Drama, Romance, Anger, Action, Lose, redemption and something that(for me) was missing alittle in the first book, a happy ending. I had told my self that I would slowly enjoy reading this book, but who was I kidding? Once I started reading it was impossible to stop, so I did what I do best. Read through most of the night and woke up to finish it off.Love this book and now with more confidence that the next books will be just as good if not better, I shall keep reading them. =)
Broken - Megan Hart Original Read: May 17th-18th 2011***Wow......wow.....I can't believe I'm giving this book 5 stars! Not because it doesn't deserve them, cause it most certainly does. But because in the erotica genre, it is really hard to find books with a REAL story to them, and even more difficult to find books with a GREAT STORY to them, but man I have to take my hat off to Megan Hart.Does this have insanely hot sex scenes? Yes, quite alot through out the whole book and they are VERY explicit. But the story it self and how it is developed is even better than those scenes. I know, I can't believe it either!Sadie is 'trapped' in a relationship that isn't really a relationship with Joe. Enduring story after story he brings to her every month. In the mean time also struggling with her marriage to Adam at home and helping people with their own ploblems, since she is a psychiotrist.I thought for sure I knew where the author was heading with this book time after time, and time after time I was surprised by the twists she threw in the mix. One minute I was rooting for Joe, the next for Adam and the next for Sadie her self. This book made me feel all kinds of emotions. Sadness, anger, lust, sympathy, exasperation, compation, love, and I could go on and on!Ina genre dominated mostly by vage stories with hot scenes, this book is more than a refreshment to find. I will absolutely, without a doubt read more from Megan Hart. What a brilliant writter!
Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead Original Read: October 3rd to October 4th, 2010.Will be trying to start my reread tomorrow =)


Secret - Brigid Kemmerer When did we get a name and a descriptiopn??No matter, I'm super freaken excited! I wonder if we'll get a 3.5 novella and if we do...will it be about Michael or Chris?(you know, since Chris didn't get one yet)...(wait, did Gabriel get one? No ha. Hmmmmm)

Binds: 1 (Binds Series)

Binds - Rebecca  Espinoza Lot's of good and some not so good with some predictables and some unpredictables.Yeah I'm rambling. Sorry.I'm tired and I couldn't put the book down like I had planned and I have to get up early tomorrow for work.But it was worth it.I am definitely looking forward to book 2 and I will try and write a decent review tomorrow =D3.5 starsCarina ApprovedCarina Enjoyed


Spirit  - Brigid Kemmerer Well, well, well. Brigid Kemmerer not only writes GREAT books, but she has the balls to give AMAZING plot twists too. Well hell, Brigid... I think I love you. - in a totally non creapy way O.oI shall not recap every single thing that happened in this book. I will not recap the synopsis for you either. That is one of the easiest things to look up! Don't be lazy people.What the hell am I gonna talk about then? Well I am just here to tell you a little tiny bit of the why, if you are not reading this series, then you are absolutely, unquestionably missing out.This is not just another YA PNR series out there people. This is seriously good. The short stories are good, the full books are good, the characters are good, the length of the books is good, the pace is good, the plot twists are good, the resolutions are good, the mystery is good, the romance is good.The books are fucking good, capish? And by "good", I meant abolutely amazing!I have liked Hunter since book 1, ask my friends. I might have even liked him more than Chris(Yes, I said it. Now please don't kill me.) So getting to read his story was pretty big for me. Almost as big as my anticipation for Nick and Michael's books. But I was not prepared for what was handed to me in this book.I won't lie, there was a part in the middle of the book that I wanted to shake Hunter and the other characters to just freaken sit down, talk it out and move on already! Talk to some one! Trust someone! "Use your words people!"The whole assumption bit, and it was about a 20 to 30% bit in the middle of the book, irritated me so much. And yet at the same time, I had to admit, it was something that a non-trusting teen must have done in real life. Doesn't mean I enjoyed it, but I was more understanding of this issue and the way it was portrayed.But man, once you get to chapter 28, it.just.does.not.stop.I haven't had my pulse racing so hard in a looong time, while at the same time, my chest was filled with emotions, only to be shocked so fully and completely, that I didn't realize tears were spilling from my eyes until I had to wipe them away to be able to keep reading.That move took balls, Mrs Kemmerer. I don't know how many times I've read books and have been let down at all the 'cop outs' some authors write, in order to try and 'please' all the readers, when in the end, it's all just a big disappointment.Well, people, you will NOT find that here. So you better put on your big boy/girl pants when you pick up this book. You are going to need them!I was crushed. But in some sick, twisted way, it makes perfect sense to me.No, I will not say I saw it coming. Not a chance. But I had a tiny theory.Which would have worked to get the point across that this book is about Hunter. HUNTER. Not romance, not love. It is about him coming to tearms of where he stands and what he belives, and accepting him self..In the end, this was another absulute hit, Mrs Kemmerer. You are what we need more of in this genre.My hat off to ya!I will be patiently waiting, with very high spectations, the release of the future books, and (truthfully?) anything you desire to publish.4 to 4.5 starsCarina ApprovedCarina Says AwesomenessCarina LOVESCarina RecommendedCarina Says MUST READ
Arouse (Spiral of Bliss, #1) - Nina Lane Reason I added this book:To read about a relationship that has already been stablished. A marriage and not a new relationship building.
The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2) - Richelle Mead The whole book was good. REAL GOOD.But that ending? Ooooooh man! That was pure gold. You can bet your ass I'll be reading book 3 soon!Carina ApprovedCarina EndorsedCarina Says AwesonessCarina Loved
In The Stillness - Andrea Randall I need someone to read this with me pretty soon!Anyone? Anyone???


Breathless - Brigid Kemmerer Well, that escalated quickly!I expected ALOT of things. But not this.And it's not that I didn't figure out where this short was heading by just reading the synopsis, because I did. But the way is was executed, the fluency, the smothness, the enjoyment...and at the same time the heartwrench, the angst, the confusion.Chesses! How can this little 50-some page short evoque so many emotions out of me, when other full, popular books fail to get anything from me?The short is about Nick, my most anticipated brother. Well, him and Michael are fighting for that spot actually, but since Michael's book doesn't come out for quite a while, I'm gonna say Nick for now.And dang, this was intense. The way Nick struggles to blend in on a daily basis. The way he is so certain that he need to keep up appearances. The way he feels that if he was to reveal his true self, he would lose his brothers. Specially Gabriel. Man, that was tugging at my heartstrings.Plus all those new emotions he's getting now...Wow.But there's also Quinn, whom I've been off and on with. On book 1 I really felt for her because it was obvious she was having trouble at home. And then in book 2 I was still sympathetic, but her fights with Gabriel turned me off from her a little.I never would have tought that we would get such a personal view of her in this story. But we did. And oh my gosh, Quinn I really feel for you now. Getting a first look into what her home life is like and what her daily life outside of home is like too, it was hard. And then she hangs on to Nick because he's the only good thing that has happened to her since Becca, her friend who is now totally devoted to Chris, but having that feeling that he's too good to be true. This was all so hard to read, but I really was able to understand where she was coming from.In the end, some resolution is handed out to us(Thank you so much for that Mrs Kemmerer!!) and now I am even MORE impatient for these 2 stories to come out!(Yes I need HEA for both Nick and Quinn!!)This author has easily fulfilled and surpassed my expectations with this series, and has become a favorite author. If she keeps writing like this...well there is NO DOUBT in my mind I will never stop reading her books.[b:Spirit|13494365|Spirit (Elemental, #3)|Brigid Kemmerer|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1329824066s/13494365.jpg|19036077] the bar has been set. Let's blow is out of the water!5 starsCarina ApprovedCarina EndorsedCarina says AwesomenessCarina LovedCarina says MUST READ

Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1)

Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1) - Kristen Ashley I would really like to know, why authors think they need to write a 400-some page book, when they would have writen a perfectly fine 200-some page book? Seriously? This is not the only book where I find my self thinking that.I was perfectly happy and entertained by the 50% mark. And it wasn't like nothing had happened. A TON had happened already! But it was fast paced, funny, entertaining, etc. Yes, it had not been perfect either. There was repetition and some douche moves from Lee that pissed me off, and some stupid ass moves from Indy that made want to smack her. And yet, I was still happy.But nooooo, the story just HAD to keep going.Bad move.And it just, *sigh*, just no. It made the repetition that much more anoying. How many time was Indy kidnapped? 3? Seriously?!How many time where the same terms used?"Shit. Shit, shit, shit.How many times... ok, you get my point. It. Was. Just. Too. Much.I have read only 1 other KA book, Knight, and I have to say, the guy MC's are pretty similar. See? more repetition, even in different series. And I have heard this is an almost given in the coming books, which does not make me happy.It was not ALL bad. I still had fun reading some of the story. Lee was HOT, but also too grabby, grabby when it came to controlling Indy.I liked him so much in the beggining where he made his intentions perfectly clear to Indy. And who doesn't love an alpha? But that doesn't mean you let him push you around and make decissions for you, just cause you're finally together.You're not wearing that.You're moving in with me.Etc.Now Indy...well what the hell? I thought she was a self sufficient, independent, Rock Chick. But all she did was let Lee push her around and make desissions for her, and then go out in to the wolves den to get freakin kidnapped!I loved her coffee obsession and her humour, but she needed more back bone.There are about 109,283,390 characters introduced and I'm sure they will get their own long ass story, but one that absolutely stood out in a good way, was Tex.What a freakin awesome dude. Thumbs up for his crazyness and randomness. Loyal, crazy and a cat lover. Cool.So to wrap it up, this would have been a 3.5(maybe 4) star read, had it been 50% shorter. As it is? I'll round it up to 2.5 stars, which means barely ok. I will go on to the next book, in the hopes of a better experience, but since it looks to be even LONGER than this one, well I'm keeping my expectations low. I hope I'm wrong so that I don't have to drop the series half way done...2.5 starsCarina Wishes She Had Loved

The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12)

The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) - J.R. Ward From Ward's Facebook page:FOR THOSE THAT WANT, THE SPOILERS FROM THE CINCINATTI EVENT… Next book is about Wrath and Beth and is called the King – it will be about him having and heir… We will see more of Murdher but it involves Xhex… more when the timing is right Saxton – Big keep reading! Rhage and Mary’s novella. JR is about 146 pages in, just has to finish it. Next Angels book is called Possession and cover was shown Lassiter will get a book when he’s ready – he opens up a whole storyline and she’s not sure whether he’ll feature in BDB or Fallen Angels (she didn’t not say both ;) ) Movies? She’s focused on the books but would only happen with someone who could do the books justice. She doesn’t know how Layla’s pregnancy will go – a KEEP READING Beth’s pregnancy may be more in line with humans given she’s a half breed Lash WILL be back, she just doesn’t know when – EEP!! Is there a connection between Michael (Story of Son) and Murdher – answer “Duh!” but doesn’t know if it will be “seen” in a book. Sola isn’t related to Manny and Butch How will it work with Qhuinn and Blay, Layla, Xcor and the baby – KEEEEEP REEEADING!! Did the SV create the Shadows – they are a subspecies that developed Assail – Warden thinks he’s awesome, she’s obsessed with him and his cousins are totally effin HOT!! There is a nexus with the Fallen Angels battle for good and the development of the BDB plotline – she thinks it could go either way but a crossover is logical There wasn’t anything else (or anyone else) in the barrels with Luchas Qhuinn and Luchas return to their parent’s house, Qhuinn sees Luchas as a victim and we’ll see more of Luchas Will we find out more about the glymera female who had an orgy with the Bastards – yes! Why didn’t we get Ehric’s twin’s name – because she writes what she sees and doesn’t know it yet Are Sissy and Jim going to fall in love – KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEADING!! Will Nalla have a book so we can see lose his sh!t? She doesn’t know Will Xcor turn on the Bastards for Layla – KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEEEADING!!! Will we find out about Butch and Manny’s father and if there are more kids – KEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEADING!! Layla is considered Fallen (Chosen, not angel ;) ) Will Butch be in another book? Yes, and we’ll see some closure for him and José Are they going to expand the rules for brotherhood inductions? Yes and Blay, Payne and Xhex could be inducted in future Were there a lot of edits for the Blay and Qhuinn sex scenes? – There was nothing edited out. Payne can help heal the Brothers of injuries etc but he doesn’t know if Payne’s gift is with limits or has to be replenished but she WILL keep George alive (as in longer than reg dogs ;) ) No definite plans for a second Insiders’ Guide buuuuuuuut maybe in the future Will the SV be in The King? She doesn’t know but something will need to be done with her. Wrath still owes the SV that favor… There WILL be more about Jane and V – she’s also talking to her publisher about revisiting each couple in full book form. (Personal Modly Woohoo here lol) Do we know who Elan was talking to? Yes SAXTON’S FATHER!!!!! Will any major character die? KEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEADING!!! Both Blay and Qhuinn release bonding scents Is Saxton working on the full blooded heir law? Not yet Are Tohr and Xcor brothers? Not saying a thing… Will there be two males bonded to one female – again she ain’t talking Are Throe’s family alive and in/be in the books? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEADING!!!! Will Fritz get a story – she doesn’t think he can be developed into a story. Will Havers ever be redeemed and have a story? NO!!! Will Havers be in The King and deliver Wrath and Beth’s baby – KEEP READING (but over the WARDen’s dead body!!!) Is Sola human? 100%, absolutely human. Is Xhex living in the mansion with John Matthew? Yep, they have worked through their issues :D Will we see Layla’s baby soon? Yes. Do we know about the coffins in the garage? Not yet but she *thinks* it may come up in The King Is Phury going to do better by the Chosen? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEADING!! Is Eddie coming back? We’ll see him buuuuuuuuuuut KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP REEEEADING!!!Some of these have me And the to some I'm like "Yeah, whatever..."

Lover At Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11)

Lover At Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11) - J.R. Ward 3.5 starsWell, well, well. Let's get to it then...Just like in the previous book, there were ALOT of side stories going on. Too many. They took way to much time away from Qhuinn and Blay, and yes I am disappointed in that.One of the stories caught my attention and the others, well no, not so much. I just wanted to read about Qhuay really! This book has been a looooooong time coming, and I just wanted my deserved time with the couple.Qhuinn and BlayLiked: Finally, finally people! One of my most anticipated couples finally got their own HEA. The journey was hard, and even after the sex scenes there was much to be worked out. Acceptance was a struggle, but the reward at the end was...*sigh*...blissful. -When he pulled back, Blay frowned. "You're shaking."Was it possible he wasn't imagining this? "Am I?""Yes.""I don't care. I love you. I love you so damned much, and I'm sorry that I wasnt male enough to admit-"Blay stopped him with a kiss. "You're plenty male enough now- the rest of it's in the past.""I just...God, I really am shaking, aren't I?""Yeah, but it's okay- I've got you."Qhuinn turned his face into one of the male's plams. "You always have. You've always had me...and my heart. My soul. Everything. I just wish it hadn't taken this long for me to man up." I could go on and on with the Qhuay quotes. But bottom line, they are together and they're happy. Finally.Not So Much: In my opinion, it took waaaay to long for these 2 to finally get together. And I don't mean sex, I mean romantically, emotionally, as a couple. Up until the very end of the book! 95% of the book people! I mean, dang. The lies and the blah, and more blah. And not to metion all the other freaken side stories. They took WAY too much space and time away from Qhuay. WAY TOO MUCH.In the end, I just wanted more for them, and more from them.Xcor and LaylaLiked: Their last scene. That's it. You did it Ward, took an entire book, but the last scene with Xcor and Layla got my attention, and I guess I look forward to their book now. *sigh*Not So Much: For the entire book I kept rolling my eyes at their scenes. Wanting them to be over soon. The pining on Xcor's part was booooring. Besides, it's not freaken nice to introduce this evil character and expect us to now like him because he has some minimal changes! He still wants to over throw Wrath, and kill the Brothers, so how much can we really like him? And Layla? Well she has some back bone now, but for some reason, I'v just never had a connection with her. I'm glad to how her character has grown and that Qhuinn and Her are such good friends and happy to bring their young in to this world. But I guess that's it. As a person, character, I'm not too interesed. As a couple? Well I'm interested now.Trez and SelenaLiked: Ummmm....yeah.Not So Much: It's not that I "didn't" like them, it's more of a blah feeling ya know? We'll see what happens in the future books.Assail and SolaLiked: Now don't ask me why, but I enjoyed this couple. Maybe because it reminded me of one of the brothers and his shellan? Yeah, that's my guess.Not So Much: The end to their side story. Does EVERY female in this series have to be kidnapped??? Seriously? I'm still intrigued, so I'll look forward to the developments in the next books.Those are the MAIN characters introduced in this books, aside from Qhuinn and Blay. But we also have iAm(Trez's brother), the twin cousins that Assail has, Lucas and the rest of the Bastard boys. The Lesser side of the story, as always, was boring as hell, and I was disappointed to see it brought to the front again.In conclussion, I think the series is getting to the point of...*gulp*...Termination. We have read about all the brothers, and that was what the series was about, no? Hence the name. We've also read about others and it has all been good. Some great, some good, and some ok. It's time to wrap it up soon. But if the next book is any indication, I'd say there are at least 6 or 7 more books coming if Ward is gonna give everyone in this series their own book.(In case you haven't heard. the next book is called THE KING, and it will be about Wrath and Beth trying to have a baby.)3.5 starsCarina Approved6/07/2012Love the title. Love the cover. Love this couple! Fucking yessssssss!
My Ex From Hell - Tellulah Darling It was ok. Some parts I kept rolling my eyes at, and then when I had the thought, "I should just DNF this", it picked up to a good part, and now I found my self thinking, "Oh yes! It just needs to stay like this until the end!". But it didn't.It was an up and down ride for me. Good parts, bad parts. Bored, entertained. And that confused me more, because I usually stick to one feeling for a while.I think the writing style is fast paced. A little too fast paced? I think for me, yes. I would have liked a little more detail to some conversations and scenes. But it also meant I wasn't hung up on a long ass description that might have been unnecessary. So like I said, conflicted emotions.I think I enjoyed more that this authors debut, [bc:Sam Cruz's Infallible Guide to Getting Girls|15720761|Sam Cruz's Infallible Guide to Getting Girls|Tellulah Darling|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1340659360s/15720761.jpg|21393665]. Not as much as I was hoping unfortunatelly. But enought to want to continue with the series? Yes.2.5Carina Says OKCarina Wishes She Had LovedThank you Netgalley for providing me with a copy to review.
Red Glove - Holly Black I am tossing options for what I shoul read right now.